Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring - A Bright Future for Healthcare

In today's ever-expanding world of patient care, Remote Patient Monitoring & Telehealth provides many with the opportunities to get the health care they need or want. RPM has made it possible to spend more time with patient care, made billing easier, and allowed providers and staff to see and monitor data at an actual time. With continually expanding benefits, RPM has become an integral part of today's healthcare industry.
David Medeiros
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What are the benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring to the Patients?

Patients with chronic conditions have better management. With certain conditions, this can mean preventing certain conditions or helping patients manage theirs better with improved behaviors. This monitoring will allow for a better collection of information and analysis of patient-generated data. Information from chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension will help patients understand and hit their targets.

When information is accurately and easily provided, it removes a large portion of stress and guesswork for both the provider and the patient. Diabetes is already stressful enough for patients to be diagnosed with and understand. The easier we make the monitoring process and ability to convey information to them on how to maintain their health, the more likely they will be to stick to these recommendations and live and long and healthy life.

RPM will also cut down on emergency room visits and even hospitalizations due to chronic conditions. By a patient improving their management, there will be fewer risks for any costly or severe situation that requires emergency care. Patients can also receive better care regimens as their values change. If a patient is monitored regularly, the benefits of a better outcome and care will improve significantly.

As Remote Patient Monitoring continues to advance, patients and the choices they make will significantly affect their condition. These can be from medications they take, weight management, diabetes, measuring their blood sugar, and even hypertension. Their data will allow you to make faster decisions to improve your patients' overall health.

Another benefit of RPM is that patients will have more education when it comes to their condition and treatment options. They'll get feedback quicker than having to wait for a regular appointment. Accountability will increase with your patients. Since they know they're being monitored, the data you receive will be more accurate. This means if they stray from their management plan, like a spike in blood sugar or blood pressure, you may be alerted.

Patients will have the benefit of continuity of care. This means better and faster follow-ups over time and giving them care that is more personalized while staying home and away from medical facilities. RPM also supports a patient's value-based care with a focus on preventative care and making it patient-centered. When patients feel prioritized and cared for, they are more likely to follow through with healthcare recommendations and follow-up appointments. Additionally, they will be more likely to stick with you as a provider for the convenience of setting up remote monitoring appointments, thus giving you an increase in consistent patients.

What are the benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring for the Staff?

Using Remote Patient Monitoring between a patient's regular doctor's visits, clinics and staff will see a vastly improved patient/provider relationship. This can mean keeping patients more engaged in their healthcare. It can lead to a healthier lifestyle for your patients and fewer visits to the office. You'll have more time in your schedule to care for more patients and will generate more revenue for the practice. Many patients can go months without a visit, may cancel, or even reschedule an appointment, which can decrease revenue.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has offered more RPM codes for clinic billing. It has also removed some provisions that made the RPM program challenging for many staff and clinics. These codes provide an increased return on investment as they harness the care and operational benefits to the clinic and patients. The team no longer has to be in the same building as the provider delivering and managing the RPM services.

Your clinic and staff will see a more straightforward implementation of RPM with their current workflows. RPM's easy-to-use technology provides the benefit of collecting vital patient data while using resources and talent better in daily activities.

The technology can be easily integrated for ease of use for the staff. The setup for patients can take a minimal amount of time and additional software compliant with Medicare and other requirements mandated by the payer. It will also allow for detailed logs and information, with much of the equipment being compatible with most Bluetooth devices.

RPM supplements staff's work with other interactions and makes it easier to obtain and access information. It also allows the team to interact more conveniently with a patient for more effective communication. Staff can care for more patients by eliminating barriers like distance or even care across state lines. These interactions can be done in an environment that is better for the patient. RPM allows all this to be done without sacrificing quality or the staff's attention to the patient.

When the staff does not have to juggle between too many things at once, they are better able to manage patients and accuracy. Thus improving business as a whole for both you as the provider and for patients. Remote monitoring is the way of the future, the sooner you get on board the better business will be for your practice and the better health your patients will be in.

What are the benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring for Providers?

As a doctor, you want the best care for your patients. To do this, we need the correct information from your patient. RPM allows for a better collection of data to help you improve your patient's outcomes and health. It also logs all communication with your patients. This will give you a faster follow-up and allows you to work with the patient through your team to handle different tasks or manage their current conditions. RPM will also provide the additional benefit of allowing you to provide care for any of your at-risk patients.

It will give you a more consistent revenue stream. With multiple payer billing codes and various requirements like patient-reported and device reported information, you can see more revenue enter your clinic. You'll also be able to see more patients and improve efficiency in treating their conditions. It also allows for better management for faster recovery, as you'll see data faster than waiting for the next office visit.

As demand increases for providers, RPM offers more opportunities for doctors and nurses to connect with their patients, whether current or new. It allows you to spend your time on those who need answers to their problems. RPM also focuses on the shortage of care. As the focus shifts to higher quality of care, it strengthens the bond between you and your patients. This is one of the most significant attributes for success in a patient's condition.

Benefits for Patients

An increase in patient/doctor collaboration makes the patients more of an active participant in their health. You'll see less burnout and less crowded waiting rooms as RPM offers day-to-day monitoring and an improved patient health reach. This means fewer in-person checkups so you can concentrate on caring for those that need more involved care. As a provider using this technology, you'll be able to keep your patients more stable and healthier by preventing or reducing the need for hospital visits. You can do this with improved communication and allows you to see the patient's condition in actual time to make a better diagnosis or decision about their health.

When patients are presented with the option of remote monitoring, they know they no longer have to commute, sit in a waiting room, or take time out of their day to care for their health. This is a significant boost in the willingness of many to prioritize caring for themselves. When patients find out how easily they can get checkups, they will be more likely to follow through and stick with you, as a provider, for offering remote monitoring as a service to them.

Remote Patient Monitoring has become more successful as technology and its use advances within the medical industry. With its ease of use, billing codes of revenue, and its ability to lower a patient's medical cost by reducing visits and hospital stays, RPM can provide the data and feedback needed to improve healthcare for both patients and providers alike. Let’s work together to streamline access to checking on health.

To find out more about the tremendous benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring, or to sign up for a demo today, visit


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Accuhealth is proud to feature content from industry-leading experts that contribute in-depth knowledge of Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth subject matter to our blog.

David Medeiros

David Medeiros

David Medeiros is a Remote Patient Monitoring expert with 10 years of clinical, telehealth and home care experience, specifically in Remote Patient Monitoring. With his team, David has been able to develop RPM/Telehealth from the early pilot years, to the industry leading juggernaut that Accuhealth is today.

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