David Medeiros

David Medeiros is a Remote Patient Monitoring expert with 10 years of clinical, telehealth and home care experience, specifically in Remote Patient Monitoring. With his team, David has been able to develop RPM/Telehealth from the early pilot years, to the industry leading juggernaut that Accuhealth is today.

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  • What Is Telehealth ?

    7 minute read

    Origins of Telehealth The roots of telehealth can be traced back to the 19th century when the advent of telecommunication tools such as the telegraph and telephone laid the groundwork for remote medical consultations. Over the next decades, telehealth evolved in tandem with communication advancements.

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  • Telehealth and the 2024 Physician Fee Schedule

    8 minute read

    Extended Telehealth Services and Locations At the close of 2021, Congress passed the 2022 Consolidated Appropriations Act, extending specific telehealth provisions introduced during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) for an additional 151 days after the PHE concluded. Subsequently, in December 2022, the 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act (2023 CAA) further prolonged these measures until the end of 2024. As Congress considers the possibility of making these telehealth policies permanent, industry stakeholders have eagerly awaited updates from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

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  • Bridging the Gap: Addressing Staff Shortages in U.S. Healthcare

    7 minute read

    The Growing Staff Shortage Crisis The healthcare sector is increasingly challenged by demographic changes, notably the aging population coupled with rising life expectancy. This shift has amplified the demand for healthcare services, yet the supply of qualified professionals has not kept pace. The result is a critical shortage of staff across many healthcare facilities, exacerbating the challenges of delivering quality care.

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  • A New Approach to Chronic Care Management 

    13 minute read

    Accuhealth Offers a Personalized Approach to Chronic Care Management Living with a chronic condition can be daunting, not just for patients but also for their loved ones. Juggling doctor’s appointments, managing medications, and navigating complex healthcare systems can leave families feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn.

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  • The Future of CMS and Remote Patient Monitoring

    6 minute read

    One major change outlined in the 2024 Proposed Rule pertains to the reimbursement for remote monitoring services provided to new versus established patients. Currently, CMS provides a higher reimbursement rate for remote monitoring services delivered to new patients as compared to established patients. However, in the 2024 Proposed Rule, CMS is opting to eliminate this distinction and provide equal reimbursement rates for both new and established patients. This change aims to encourage providers to continue offering remote monitoring services to all patients, regardless of their status as new or established.

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  • What Is the Difference Between Telehealth and Virtual Visits?

    7 minute read

    Telehealth Telehealth is a broad term that encompasses a range of remote healthcare services. It refers to the use of technology to deliver healthcare services, including medical consultations, diagnoses, monitoring, education, and more. Telehealth leverages various communication tools, such as video conferencing, telephone calls, secure messaging, and even remote monitoring devices, to bridge the gap between patients and healthcare providers.

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  • A Comprehensive Checklist for Physicians Considering Chronic Care Management in Their Practice

    9 minute read

    As healthcare continues to evolve, the focus on chronic care management (CCM) has become increasingly important. With the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, physicians are exploring ways to provide comprehensive care to their patients beyond the confines of the traditional office visit. The imperative for physicians to consider the integration of CCM services is underscored not only by the demographic realities of an aging population with a higher prevalence of chronic conditions but also by a growing awareness of the benefits associated with proactive, continuous care. Incorporating CCM services into practice can help enhance patient outcomes, improve satisfaction, and increase practice revenue. However, before diving into this endeavor, physicians must assess whether CCM aligns with their practice. In this article, we present an in-depth checklist designed to guide physicians through the intricate process of assessing, planning, and implementing CCM services within their practice. Assess Patient Population Begin by evaluating your patient population to identify those who will benefit the most from CCM – patients with chronic conditions requiring regular follow-up, complex medical histories, and a high risk of hospitalization. Ensure that there is a sufficient number of eligible patients to make the program financially viable. Understand Reimbursement Policies Familiarize yourself with reimbursement policies and guidelines outlined by Medicare or private insurers for CCM. Gauge the potential financial impact and ensure that the program's reimbursement structure aligns with your practice's goals and available resources. Evaluate Practice Infrastructure Thoroughly review your practice's infrastructure, including electronic health record (EHR) capabilities, patient communication tools, and staff resources. Assess whether your existing systems can support the additional requirements of CCM, such as remote patient monitoring and secure patient messaging. Engage and Educate Staff Involve your staff in the decision-making process and provide comprehensive training on implementing CCM services. Ensure that everyone understands the program's objectives, workflows, and documentation requirements. Assign dedicated staff to manage the program efficiently. Develop Care Plans and Protocols Create standardized care plans and protocols for common chronic conditions in your patient population. Ensure that these plans are evidence-based, regularly updated, and accessible to all healthcare providers involved in the patient's care. Incorporate patient-specific goals and preferences into the care plans. Establish Patient Engagement Strategies Devise strategies to engage patients in their own care. Implement tools for remote patient monitoring, patient portals, and secure messaging systems to facilitate ongoing communication and education. Ensure patients understand the benefits of CCM and actively participate in the program. Coordinate with Specialists and Community Resources Collaborate with specialists and community resources to ensure comprehensive and coordinated care for your patients. Establish communication channels and referral networks to facilitate seamless transitions and information exchange between providers. Implement Outcome Measurement Mechanisms Define key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of your CCM program. Track metrics like hospitalization rates, emergency room visits, medication adherence, and patient satisfaction. Regularly assess these metrics to identify areas for improvement and validate the program's effectiveness. Maintain Regulatory Compliance Stay updated on regulatory requirements and compliance guidelines related to CCM. Familiarize yourself with HIPAA regulations, billing and coding requirements, and documentation standards. Ensure strict adherence to these guidelines to avoid legal or financial repercussions. Monitor Financial Viability Evaluate the financial implications of implementing CCM services in your practice. Assess the costs associated with staff training, additional technology, and ongoing program management. Determine the potential return on investment and ensure the program aligns with your practice's financial goals. Moving Forward The journey toward adopting CCM is not merely a procedural shift but a transformative leap that demands meticulous planning, engagement of stakeholders, and a commitment to redefining the patient-provider relationship. Integrating CCM services into your practice can significantly improve patient outcomes and enhance the overall quality of care. However, success hinges on careful consideration and planning. As the healthcare paradigm continues to evolve, the successful integration of CCM services stands as a testament to a practice's adaptability, foresight, and commitment to patient-centric care. By leveraging the insights presented in this comprehensive checklist, physicians can embark on the CCM journey with confidence, knowing that each facet of their practice has been meticulously aligned with the principles and requirements of CCM.

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  • Demystifying Remote Patient Monitoring Documentation Requirements

    12 minute read

    The world of healthcare has witnessed a rapid transformation in recent years, and one area that has seen significant growth is remote patient monitoring (RPM). With advancements in technology and an increasing focus on patient-centric care, RPM has become an integral part of modern healthcare practices. However, as with any medical service, proper documentation is crucial to ensure compliance, accurate billing, and quality patient care. In this blog post, we will discuss the documentation requirements for remote patient monitoring in 2023.

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  • Managing COPD with Remote Patient Monitoring: Harnessing the Power of Peak Flow Meters

    11 minute read

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a progressive lung disease that affects millions of people worldwide, impacting their quality of life and posing significant challenges in managing the condition. In the United States alone, it is estimated that approximately 16 million people suffer from COPD, with millions more currently undiagnosed..

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