Scaling Telehealth Programs with Remote Patient Monitoring

David Medeiros
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Remote Patient Monitoring Increasing Clinic Revenue.

Remote Patient Monitoring provides many forms of value to clinics and practices. RPM has shown clear benefits for patient health outcomes, and is proven to significantly increase quality of care overall. While this creates obvious benefits for clinics, the bottom line is that this value must also translate into financial stability and revenue growth for clinics, in order to become a truly sustainable form of care provision.

Without scalability, RPM programs simply don’t provide the long-term viability necessary for clinics to sustain remote care in permanent ways. Just like any format of healthcare, remote monitoring should allow clinics to see real, measurable returns on investment that provide value for both practitioners, as well as their patients.


Providers who Create Real Value

Luckily, scaling an RPM program is easy with the right telehealth provider. With Accuhealth’s RPM services, the average clinic sees a 15% to 25% increase in appointment volume. In addition to this, Accuhealth clients experience enormously increased profit margins; gaining 100% more revenue per patient per year on average.

Many clinics find that scalability is their primary concern in considering a move to virtual care. However, providers who offer vigorous scalability features, such as Accuhealth, create easy RPM program implementation that is seamlessly expandable to hundreds, or even thousands of patients.


RPM and Patient Engagement

When it comes to RPM, the real key to scalability is engagement. In fact, the more patients engaging with a clinic’s remote monitoring program, the easier it is to expand the program to more clients.

Top-performing clinics using remote monitoring programs on average have 80% or more of their eligible patients engaging in their telemonitoring services. This large-scale need for patient engagement is why it is critical to choose telehealth providers whose features provide instantaneous, automatic ways for applying remote monitoring programs to include ten, to ten hundred patients.

Providers like Accuhealth have designed their services and platform in ways that not only allow for growth, but actually encourage it. This is done through several key features. One of these features includes the effective integration of RPM services into a clinic’s existing Electronic Medical Record system, which automates referrals and other provision functionalities in ways that make growth effortless.

In addition to EMR integration, the simplicity and navigability of Accuhealth’s platform actively promotes engagement, which creates ease when it comes to extending remote clinical activities to higher volumes of patients, which in turn increases revenue.

In addition to features of simplicity and engagement, telehealth providers who assume the upfront costs of RPM implementation further enable clinics to scale their programs and see instant, revenue-generating results. Accuhealth’s RPM solutions include no upfront costs for this very reason, in order to make remote monitoring implementation more realistic for clinics across the country.


Making the Cut

Choosing a provider who supports growth and minimizes upfront implementation costs is key to creating an RPM program that will provide long-term financial growth and stability.

Providers like Accuhealth have created platforms and services that directly anticipate, support, and even encourage the growth of RPM programs over time, due to the simplicity of engagement that they create. In addition to this, Accuhealth assumes all upfront costs of implementation, making deployment both simple and risk-free for clinics.

Find out more about how Accuhealth’s RPM programs can optimize scalability potential for your clinic’s move to virtual care at


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Accuhealth is proud to feature content from industry-leading experts that contribute in-depth knowledge of Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth subject matter to our blog.

David Medeiros

David Medeiros

David Medeiros is a Remote Patient Monitoring expert with 10 years of clinical, telehealth and home care experience, specifically in Remote Patient Monitoring. With his team, David has been able to develop RPM/Telehealth from the early pilot years, to the industry leading juggernaut that Accuhealth is today.

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